Structural Engineering Institutional Projects

Showing results 1 - 100 of 260 for the category: Structural – Institutional.

VA Solicitation – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Oasis of Hope – Hermiston – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Northridge Medical Center – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

MVRMC 5-Story Building Assessment – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Juvenile Residence Center – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

McCall Donnelly High School Verification – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Pioneer Place – Vale, Oregon – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Oregon Assisted Living Facility – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

The Cottages – Montrose, CO – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

The Cottages – Colona, IL – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Los Alamos, NM – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Bozeman, MT

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Beehive – Dillon, MT – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Beehive – Glasgow, MT – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Beehive – Elizabethtown, KY – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

SRCI -Guard Tower #1 – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Beehive – Fort Morgan, CO – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

SRCI -Guard Tower #1 – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

South Wind – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Grangeville, ID

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Fort Lupton, CO – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Sterling, Co – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Helena, MT

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Cody, WY

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Powell, WY

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Evans, CO

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Wells, NV

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project


Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Beehive – Colorado

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Arizona

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Sunnyside, WA

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

North Oregon Prison Pole Foundation – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Wilder Elementary – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Vallivue Storage Shed – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Cototi Senior Assisted Living – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

2099 W. Century Seismic Evaluation – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Adrian Elementary Addition – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Melba School Concessions/ Pressbox – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Central Plant – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

West Branch Library Curtain Wall – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

May Roberts Elementary Addition -Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Light Pole Base – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Family Life Church T.I. – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Ontario H.S. Bleachers – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Building 700 – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Aiken Elementary Addition – Sturctural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Building 800 Addition – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Building 300 – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Building 200 – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Building 100 – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Eagle United Methodist Addition – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Shoshone School Freezer Addition – Sturctural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Idaho Baptist School – Sturctural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

La Grande Schools 2007 Roof Beam Insp. – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Building 900 – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

NHS Building 400 – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Idaho Prison

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Intermountain Prison

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Bonneville Juvenile Jail Facility

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Adrian Elementary School – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Middleton High School Rebuild – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Whittier Police MSC – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

University Bible Church – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Salmen H.S. Precast – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

West Ada Cnty, Health & Welfare – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Port of Long Beach MSC – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Lakeview Bible Church – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Ford County Jail – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

CSU Bakersfield – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Wingate H.S. Precast – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Wingate H.S. Dormitory – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Bell’s Retirement Living – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Rimrock H.S. Precast – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Diamond View Assisted Living #4 – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Lonestar High School Risers – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

D and S Factors – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Socorro High School MSC – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Riverside Medical Center Beam Connections – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

BSU Rec Mechanical Penetrations – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Valley Sheperd Due Diligence – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

CSUB Recreation Center – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

St. Al’s Canopy – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Davis Prison Expansion Precast – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

U.M. Performance Lab Addition MSC – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Rexburg Temple Stud Wall Analysis – Stuctural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

BSU Rec. Rooftop Unit – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Middleton High School Canopy – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

KLA 525 Base PCS-5878 – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Brighton Plaza T.I. – Structural

Mr. Smith was administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Locust Grove Retirement Center – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Nampa District Admin HVAC – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Richfield School Inspection – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Summerwind Addition – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Alzheimers at Spoke Ranch – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Jefferson Elementary Sound Wall – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Capitol Care Center – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

The Cottages – Beatrice, NE – Structural

Mr. Smith was the lead engineer in responsible charge for this project

Beehive – Pahrump, NV – Structural

Mr. Smith was the Assistant Engineer as well as administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Beehive – Henderson, KY – Structural

Mr. Smith was the Assistant Engineer as well as administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle

Beehive – Matoon, IL – Structural

Mr. Smith was the Assistant Engineer as well as administratively and legally responsible for the management of this project as the principle/founder/owner/president of Pinnacle