Previous Projects:
- Structural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
How to Reach Us:
Sage Engineering
1693 S. Coronado Ave.
Boise, ID 83709
Phone: (208) 855-5082
About Us
constructed between 2008 to 2010. The 212,000 square foot, three story maximum facility, without
Outbuildings, is located on 60 acres. The project Architect was Design West Architects P.A. and cost
overlooking a poetic bend in the river west of Ketchum. The project was designed and constructed
between 2000 and 2001 and was the cover story of the 2006 Spring edition of Sun Valley Home
and Design Magazine. The project Architect was Glancey Rockwell & Associates.
ultimate African Experience. The project designed and built between 2005 to 2009 include
all the support and exhibit facilities for the Lions, Giraffe, Zebras, Hurox and Gemboks.
The project Architect was Erstad Architects, P.A.
designed and constructed from 1996 to 1997 is constructed of essentially every structural material
available. The project cost was $800,000 and was designed by Glancey, Rockwell & Associates.
and the Sawtooth National Forest Recreational Area. This 56 oversized room wood framed
hotel was designed and constructed from 1997 to 1998 at a cost of $3,100,000. The project
Architect was Design Resources Architects, PLLC.
2005 and 2007 for Nampa School District. The project costs was approximately $14,000,000
and was design by Design West Architects, P.A.
and recreational areas. The project was designed and constructed between 1998 to 2001 at a
cost of approximately $12,000,000. The project was designed by BRS Architects.
The 18000 sq. ft. renovation of the winery structure built in 1886 by Brun & Chaix, which is a 3 story
stone structure with 30 inch stone walls was completed in 2003. The structure was gutted of the 3
story wood structure and replaced with a concrete structure. The Architect was Robert Miller Designer.
Snake River Lodge & Spa is a 5 story wood structure that has 125 rooms and suites.
Adjacent to the Hotel is another 5 story 17000 sq. ft. Spa building. The project was
designed in 1998 and the project architect was Design Resources Architects, PLLC.
WELCOME to our site!
*Projects noted as Pinnacle Engineers, although not all projects were designed by Brian Smith, as Founder, President, and Owner of Pinnacle Engineers, Inc., Brian was Administratively, Financially, and Personally responsible for all Pinnacle projects.
Sage Engineering, located in Boise, Idaho is dedicated to the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Drafting, geographic information systems (G.I.S.), computer assisted project management, and the latest software to ensure accurate design analysis. Our drafting consists of individuals formally trained in the Autodesk AutoCAD suite of tools. Sage routinely coordinates with clients remotely, exchanging drawings, files, etc… via the Internet.
Ridgevue High School
The design of the new 60 acre 212,000 sq. ft. $50,000,000 high school for Vallivue School District in Idaho started in June 2013 and project completion is slated for the Fall of 2016.
Cole Denton Apartments
The design of a new 6 Story Apartment Building with 3 post-tensioned slabs and 4 storys of wood apartments above the podium level. The 300,000 sq. ft., approximately $35,000,000 apartment project has been designed and permitted and is waiting to be constructed.
Zoo Boise Gorongosa National Park Expansion
This Zoo expansion of the Boise Zoo proper by 1 acre and overall new 2.5 acre Gorongosa National Park Exhibit will be a transformation of older zoo areas and a revitalized entry area with new South African Exhibits. The expansion will be home to a number of species that can be found naturally in the original South African Park, such as African Wild Dogs, Spotted Hyenas, Otters, Vervet Monkeys, Baboons, Cheetahs, Warthogs, Nyala,and much more.
3rd Street Apartments
This four-plex development of seven units will be built on 1.74 acres located in Meridian, Idaho. The project will commence construction and be completed in 2016.
Creekstone Subdivision
This Sage Engineering in-fill project is a 36 lot Residential Subdivision on a seven acre parcel located in Meridian, Idaho. Construction is estimated to commence in Spring 2015 and be completed in fall 2015.
River Street Mixed Use
This four story mixed use building is located in downtown Boise, ID. The project will start in 2016 and is set for completion in the fall of 2016. The project Architect is Glancey, Rockwell & Associates.
Idaho Power Twin Falls
This two story 24,000 square foot facility is the new Operation Center for Idaho Power in Twin Falls. The project will be start in 2016 and be completed in 2016. The project Architect is Rudeen Architects.